Create a Lasting Legacy of LifeWith Your Gift

Meet your personal financial goals while ensuring there will be a future for the preborn!

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Planned Giving

* ALL video content is property of Crescendo and NOT produced by Live Action.

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Our Mission

Live Action is a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to ending abortion and building a culture of life. Masters of messaging and armed with the largest online pro-life following in the movement, Live Action is using the power of media to change hearts and minds about abortion. Live Action uses its best-in-class marketing expertise and powerful media platforms to distribute groundbreaking educational content, further investigative research aimed at exposing and dismantling the abortion industry and to activate individuals to defend the preborn. Live Action continues to expand, educate, and activate a grassroots army to transform the cultural landscape, inspiring individuals to advocate for the most defenseless within their communities. We expose the violence abortion does to both mother and child and demonstrate that the preborn child is an undeniably distinct and precious human life from the point of conception.


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